Friday, July 16, 2010

Some Skeletons Should Be Kept!

Now there's nothing wrong with knowing everything there is to know about your mate.
But is there such a thing as...

Favorite colors, snacks, songs, and family members are fine, but where do we draw the line? Is it better to meet someone AFTER they mentally mature or BEFORE?!?!! So many people say before, but so many people are idiots as well. So many people can't create nor partake, in an actual adult relationship to save their lives. An it's not like there's a bunch of examples running around, to coach us through. We know what Jump offs, Cuddy buddies, Flings, Baby Mamas and Rebounds are. But not Happy, HEALTHY, LOVING Relationships with Longevity are. Every one's an option, because every one's temporary.

I know men adore women who stand beside them through their trials and growth. But given how inconsiderate, manipulative and deceitful most men are in their youth...

would you have stood by

Enduring, can empower as well as, destruct the very core in which you're built upon. The dating scene can get Messy. Engaging with multiple parties at a time is problematic. Especially, when sex is involved! Social networks are a ticking time bomb as well. Everyone says you must forgive and forget, but it's not realistic. Your heart may forgive, but your mind remembers. An you say.. "This is me! I'm the same me, that I was a year ago. I loved with all my heart then, as I do now. This is the same lips, eyes and soul that they saw then. So what makes them want to change for me now?" If desiring others, is a drug. Whose to say, they can stay clean. Everyone has withdrawals.

Sometimes it can lead a person to feel like "I love you but I wish I never saw that side of you ..I hurt just knowing that side exists". That side lingers around my thoughts, and I doubt it'll ever leave. Wherein starting fresh can leave you showcasing, your ideal you. Bidding farewell to all the roads less traveled. Everyone says it's ones choice. Of course, at any moment you could leave. But love doesn't quit. It's about accepting the past, an being grateful that they've lasted. Cuz everyone, ain't worth fighting for.

If you love someone... it should be in-spite of their faults! It's because you see something in them. Maybe much more than they see in themselves... Maybe it's passion! Maybe it's hope! Maybe it's just the tingly feeling, that you grab onto, refusing to let go. Whatever it is.. it's OK! Some of the best things, aren't easily handed to us, but it's worth the struggle.

1 comment:

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