Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kanye' Quotes from Storytellers!

"Super Hero Music!" -Kanye' West
{Just a few words dat caught my eye}

"Real People I wanna Sing My Growth!"

"You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain....I'm CHILLIN!"

"I apologize for acting like Bitch at awards shows!....It's an award show."

"Yet again I apologize for my ungracious-ness"

"I learned people in Chicago were wrong, an I've been an Asshole all along! ...Alot of things you learn are wrong so don't be asshole too long."

"It's nothing better than, someone you know an love! Even if, you know you can't love them no more!.....So they take precedence over anybody you dating or going out with."

"Does this hurtful comment have a receit?"

"50 look at me now, sitting on the ground with my Pink shirt on, does this look gay to you?"

"I'm a dart board...I can take it!"

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